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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Well, after days of lunch and after school practises we have finally finished and performed our PE Dance!! No more suffering starvation!

We looked like crap compared to others from the whole grade but we got some laughs and applause! Everyone elses were so good but some were hard to understand. I swear, some songs were repeated in different groups. They're all gonna be on youtube!!!!!!!!

So, now to focus on IPT assessment and half yearly.

Who is doing work experience?

JuSt A BoY

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Well today i woke up at like 8 in the morning to go to the city to watch lion dances!!! Took the Bankstown train which took ages!When at city, first went to Moore Park where there were freebies and somewhatcheap stuff. Got just in time for the lion dance and then went shopping in the market. It was muddy!! Stuff happened after like walking around chasing lions all over chinatown. It was so stupid. I just could've waited at Market City. The lettuce things were dangling from every store.

So while trying to get a seat to eat at the top level, the lion dances were playing from floor to floor and eventually went to the food court. They were noisy like hell! I think i got deaf because of them. Thtey were playing right where i was ordering food, so i had to shout just to communicate.

 Bah, im so deaf now in my right ear!

JuSt A BoY

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Finished You're beautiful today at like 11am. Its so awsome but i really dislike Tae Kyung. Mi Nam should be with Shin Woo. Im mean Tae's mean and arrogant and Shin's been helping her all the time ever since the first episode. But i guess thats how the director wanted to end it. The mean guy changes.Jeremy is so awsome!!He isnt afraid to act like a little kid and he's funny. His hair like changes every episode but it works for him and their funny as well like short pig tails on a mushroom cut. LOL! For people that havent watched it, WATCH IT NOW!!


JuSt A BoY

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Its almost a week until school starts but going to school on Friday is such a waste! But it already feels like im in school. ie. troung, waking up early, troung, sport, troung... you get the idea.

Today, managed to get out of swimming (but must go tomorrow)
Wasted my whole day at home doing toung homework!!!!! (at least its finished)
Maths down english to go


JuSt A BoY

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

7:30 AM-Wake up = DEATH (I ususally wake up at like 10 or 11)

9:30-10:45ish AM- Swimming
  • Actually held my breath all the way to 25m twice before cracking up the 3rd time
  • 50m = 57secs (much better than before)
  • Managed to do butterfly for 100m (never happened before)
  • Getting better at dives and turns
  • Found out some guy going to hurlstone this yr (that totals to 2 ppl i know year 7 going to HAHS)
Rest of Day at Home  :(
  • Work on this layout (just stole it off someone)
    • Tweaked it abit though
  • Eat + Watch TV
Probably swimming tomorrow = More torture

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JuSt A BoY


About Me

Nothing Much
Typical asian boy
Name:Jonathan ...
Goes to Hurlstone Ag (The FARM school) ME

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